Mo’ Nursery Updates

A couple weeks ago Patrick and I set up the crib in the nursery! It was pretty easy to assemble and looks nice n sturdy!

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I’m thinking about adding a crib skirt so it doesn’t look so….cold. Those things are generally way overpriced and kind of a silly purchase as they are purely decorative, but isn’t it a rite of passage to go overboard with your first bebe?IMG_1097

We also ordered this little cloud shelf from Land of Nod. I dressed it up wit some Purell. #fancy #blessedIMG_1113 IMG_1114

23 week update is as follows: I’ve been loving riding my bike! – want to do that as much as I can before it’s not safe anymore! Also, dat acid reflux. no bueno.

We done ordered a crib!

Hey there!

After some minorly enthusiastic crib hunting, Patrick and I just decided to go for it with a simple Graco convertible crib. It looks like dis:

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It should arrive sometime this week, and I hope it isn’t as much trouble as the Ikea dresser to put together!

There was an attempt to do kind of an artsy-fartsy bump photo — it didn’t turn out half bad! I’m sure I’ll do another one of these shots once the belly is large and in charge


21 weeks tomorrow & Baby P has been moving a ton lately– it’s such a funny feeling!



Lake Tahoe Pt. 1

Patrick and I just returned from a wonderful few days away in South Lake Tahoe. We stayed in a beautiful wood-paneled house with the Powers clan. Here are just a few pics that we took- I’m sure I’ll post more as they come!

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PS- we’ve reached 20 weeks– halfway there & feeling great!

Anatomy Scan

We had our official anatomy scan this week where they confirmed that baby P is still indeed a boy!

Essentially they check out how his organs and such are developing — you can even see the 4 chambers of the heart! So cool. My Dr. said that everything was looking great, so we are very happy. Here are some pics from the latest sonogram!

Little profile:


Check out that spine!


little Feets!



I have also started feeling some movement! It started about 2 weeks ago, but I wasn’t quite sure if it was the baby just yet…But it has become a pretty regular occurrence and is a fun little reminder that the bean is bouncing around in there. After a week of trying to get the timing just right, Patrick was finally able to feel him move too! such a cool moment 🙂

Weeks 18 & 19

We got a few little things in for the nursery recently: a little bookshelf, toy chest, and dresser for all his crap! We’ll need to figure out which photos to hang eventually but here’s the set up currently.


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Also, Patrick was super excited that his ikea dresser has a little striped “faux liner” thing going on.


SIL Teresa made the lil owl doll for him!

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Here are some bump shots at just about 19 weeks and a little progression of the belly!

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